Introducing a New & Improved Superintendent Evaluation Process!

MSBA, MASA, and DESE have collaborated to develop a new superintendent evaluation process designed to enhance leadership assessment and growth. This improved process has been carefully crafted over two years, with Missouri school districts actively piloting and refining it based on real-world feedback.

Key Features of the New Evaluation Process

  • Customized Evaluation Cycles

    • A 12-month cycle for returning superintendents

    • An 18-month cycle for those new to the district

  • Streamlined Evaluation Stages

    • The new process features four stages, replacing the previous six-stage model, making the evaluation more efficient and focused.

  • Comprehensive Performance Indicators

    • A total of 23 performance indicators aligned with the quality indicators and standards of the superintendent preparation program ensure a thorough and meaningful evaluation.

  • Flexible Evaluation Options

    • Boards have the option to conduct a self-directed evaluation or receive MSBA-supported evaluation guidance for a more structured approach.

This innovative process is designed to foster continuous improvement, provide meaningful feedback, and support superintendents in leading their districts effectively.



Contact Leadership Development at or 573-208-7847.