MSBA Advocacy Day 2025 is Tuesday, March 11 in Jefferson City. Join fellow school board members to learn and advocate for important issues that matter to your school districts and the students you serve. This annual advocacy day provides school board members an opportunity to gather and visit their legislators. Programming begins at the Millbottom in Jefferson City and concludes at the Missouri State Capitol.
Advocacy Day Agenda (Subject to Change)
9:00 AM - Doors Open at The Millbottom
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Opening Remarks & Welcome, Legislative Update, Keynote Speaker, and Carter D. Ward Excellence in Advocacy Award Presentation
11:30 AM - Lunch at Millbottom & Guided Table Discussions: How to Talk to Your Legislator
11:45 AM - Closing Remarks from MSBA Executive Director Melissa Randol
12:00 PM - Trolley Starts Routes to State Capitol
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Student Showcase & Legislative Visits
The Millbottom (400 W. Main St, Jefferson City, MO 65101)
Missouri State Capitol (201 W. Capitol Ave, Jefferson City, MO 65101)
This tool from DESE will show you what House and Senate districts your school district is in:
Making Appointments and Visiting With Your Legislator
This video explains the process of making an appointment with your legislator and how to visit them.
Helpful Links
Hourly parking in the Municipal Garage transitioned to Pay by App Only via the Passport Parking App.
Link to Parking App
Log on to Advocacy Lunch & Learns for the latest updates in the legislative session, and plan to attend MSBA's Advocacy Day and Student Showcase with your school board to meet your legislators at the Capitol.
Advocacy Lunch & Learns - Fridays at Noon on Zoom
January 17
February 14
March 7
April 11
May 9
Fee: $25 per person for all five webinars.
Register on the MSBA Portal, or call 573-445-9920.

For more information regarding registration for any event, contact Amelia Stevens at 573-208-7881 or stevens@mosba.org
If your organization is interested in sponsoring the event, please contact Sharon Horbyk at 573-208-7857 or horbyk@mosba.org