
Missouri Attorneys for Public Schools (MAPS) is a professional organization for attorneys who represent at least one public school district in the state of Missouri. Many of the attorneys participating in MAPS represent several districts and primarily practice school law.

Hosting a strong, focused public school legal community advances MSBA’s mission: Helping School Boards Ensure All Students Succeed. MAPS is a fitting name for the attorneys who counsel and represent public school boards in legal matters since one function of a map is, to “represent a region or place by showing the various features of it ... so that people can get help in finding their way from one place to another.”

 MAPS continues MSBA’s tradition of providing a forum and services for our attorney colleagues, and will feature: 

  • A roster listing of MAPS members on MSBA website for members to use. 

  • Priority invitations to present concurrent sessions at MSBA Annual Conference, MSBA Summer Summit, and occasional programming. 

  • An Annual Meeting during the MSBA Annual Convention. 

  • Low-cost MCLE credits on relevant topics. 

  • News and updates from the MSBA Legal Department on important breaking developments. 

  • Opportunities for networking with colleagues. 

  • The ability to collaborate on special projects with public education stakeholders.

Memberships are $100 per attorney per fiscal year (June-July).


If you're an attorney interested in joining MAPS, please email Keith Powell at

A list of current MAPS member attorneys is available in the MAPS Directory.

Download the MAPS Directory here.