An MSBA Delegate is a school board member who is appointed by their school board to serve as a liaison with MSBA. Every MSBA member district is entitled to at least one Delegate. If a school district does not specify a Delegate, we will assume the Board President is the Delegate for the district.
Delegate Responsibilities
Serve as the Liaison between MSBA and the local board of education
Report monthly to the local board on important issues identified by MSBA, including state and national issues and opportunities and concerns related to public schools
Actively participate in the development and promotion of MSBA Advocacy Positions
Attend and participate in the MSBA Delegate Assemblies
The alternate delegate will assume the role of delegate if the delegate is unable to serve. MSBA encourages districts to also appoint one or more Alternate Delegates to serve in the absence of the Delegate. Most districts choose a Delegate and Alternate Delegate at the school board’s reorganization meeting in the spring.
MSBA Advocacy Positions

Please contact Caitlin Whaley at 660-422-2671 or
The position of Delegate is important to your Association. Please email with your delegate information.