The purpose of the Missouri School Boards’ Association’s Advocacy Positions document is to state publicly MSBA’s positions on a variety of issues facing public education. This document clearly conveys to legislators, policymakers, the public and the media where MSBA stands on those issues. The document guides MSBA’s advocacy efforts.

Each position statement in this document has been approved by the MSBA Delegate Assembly, where every MSBA member board has the opportunity to be represented. The statements in the document are sufficiently precise to not only state MSBA’s positions, but also provide a degree of latitude to the MSBA Advocacy Staff to interpret and apply the statements to specific proposals. The staff keeps the membership informed about progress in implementing the Advocacy Document.

As the organization representing the largest group of elected officials in Missouri, MSBA works in cooperation with parents, students, staff, community groups, members of educational organizations, state and local policymakers and others to make the support of public education a state priority. MSBA promotes and supports a system of public education that is accountable to the communities school boards serve and that prepares students to be productive citizens in a competitive and global society.

MSBA Advocacy Positions

Proposed Advocacy Position Form


Please contact Caitlin Whaley at 660-422-2671 or